Pit Stops for Hope is proud to announce plans to hold our first North Carolina Teachers Summit on November 10th, 2015. The summit will be held in the banquet hall on the campus of Richard Childress Racing in Welcome, NC and will begin at 6pm. The event will include a catered dinner and door prizes for the teachers, social workers, and politicians in attendance.
We are honored to have North Carolina State Senator Terri Van Duyn as our guest speaker for the Teachers Summit. Senator Van Duyn has a solid record of fighting on behalf of North Carolina teachers and teachers’ assistants for fair wages and increasing funding for schools. Sen. Van Duyn has built her political career on helping kids, families and teachers. We are grateful for the expertise and insight that Senator Van Duyn will bring to the forum.
Our goal for the summit is to share strategies, and hear creative and productive ideas from the teachers and social workers in attendance on how we can help all kids succeed in the classroom. We look forward to hearing the opinions of the participants on what they feel are obstacles to our schools that prevent meeting the social, emotional, and physical needs of our children. Obstacles can be hunger, poor housing, clothing, behavior, classroom needs, or anything else that is a contributor to slowing kids down in school. From this event we will be able to focus our fundraising and zero in on efforts to create change in the system. Pit Stops for Hope continues to search for and accomplish ways to be a strong, goal-oriented advocate for children of poverty in our communities and schools.